Libya Security Monitor

The Libya Security Monitor (LSM) is an Eye on ISIS proprietary mapping project and searchable database of developments in Libya’s security space

International actors

President Sisi hosts Haftar in Cairo

On 18 January, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received Libyan National Army (LNA) Khalifa Haftar in Cairo in the presence of the Director...

Libyan actors


Other Jihadi groups

Mosque bombed in Nafousa mountains

On the night of 5 January, the Old Mosque in Shakshouk, located in the Nafousa Mountains, was severely damaged in a bombing believed to be linked to...

International actors
Libyan actors
Other Jihadi Actors

The above is a curated selection of incidents extracted from Libya-Analysis LLC’s monitoring and forecasting products.


For a guide on searching through our archive, click here.