ISIS in Libya Propaganda (2014-2016)
A selection of materials published by ISIS wilayat in Libya, or relating to ISIS wilayat in Libya, from May 2014 – May 2016.
Presented by Aaron Y. Zelin’s
- May 18, 2016: The Islamic State: “And That He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion – Wilāyat Barqah”
- May 9, 2016: The Islamic State: “So Fight Against the Allies of Satan – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- May 7, 2016: The Islamic State: “And the [Best] Outcome Is For the Righteous – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- March 30, 2016: The Islamic State: “To Establish the Religion – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- March 26, 2016: The Islamic State: “And What Is To Come Will Be More Devastating and Bitter – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- March 17, 2016: The Islamic State: “Oh People of Islām in Libya, Upon You With the Group – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- March 14, 2016: The Islamic State: “Messages to Binghāzī – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- February 27, 2016: The Islamic State: “Take, [Oh, Muḥammad], From Their Wealth A Charity – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- February 14, 2016: The Islamic State: “The Raid of Shaykh Abū al-Mughīrah al-Qaḥṭānī – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- February 8, 2016: The Islamic State: “Preserving the Borders of God – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- February 7, 2016: The Islamic State: “Whose Peaceful Religion? – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- January 16, 2016: The Islamic State: “Binghāzī: The Meaning of Stability #2 – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- January 12, 2016: The Islamic State: “Message to Our Brothers in Somalia – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- December 21, 2015: The Islamic State: “The Islamic Police in the City of Sirt – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- December 16, 2015: The Islamic State: “Upon You Oh Tyrants of the Arabian Peninsula – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- December 5, 2015: The Islamic State: “And the Magician Will Not Succeed Wherever He Is – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- December 2, 2015: The Islamic State: “From Barqah to Paris – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- November 8, 2015: The Islamic State: “Message to the Medical Professionals – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- October 18, 2015: The Islamic State: “Until Religion, All of It, Is For God – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- October 17, 2015: The Islamic State: “Harvest of the Awakening – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- September 29, 2015: The Islamic State: “Support of the Captives – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- September 25, 2015: The Islamic State: “Messages From Those on the Front Lines Upon the Fortified Strongholds of the Caliphate in Binghāzī – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- September 14, 2015: The Islamic State: “Binghāzī: Graveyard of the Clients – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- August 24, 2015: The Islamic State: “Retribution of the Impure Spies – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- July 30, 2015: The Islamic State: “Messages From Surt (Sirte) – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- July 11, 2015: The Islamic State: “Patience Awakening of Darnah: But We Have Come For Your Slaughter – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- June 29, 2015: The Islamic State: “Storming the Barracks of the Apostates Close To Lamlūdah Area – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- June 11, 2015: The Islamic State: “Raid of Abū Ibrāhīm al-Miṣrātī – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- June 3, 2015: The Islamic State: “Reporters Program: About the Great Victories in the City of Surt (Sirte), Libya”
- May 19, 2015: The Islamic State: “The Beginning and Ending of the Camp in Darnah City – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- May 7, 2015: The Islamic State: “Binghāzī: The Meaning of Stability – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- April 27, 2015: Shaykh Abū ‘Abd Allah al-Lībī: “Sharī’ah and Realistic Justifications for the Bay’ah to The Islamic State”
- April 27, 2015: The Islamic State: “Messages From a Soldier of the Caliphate #1 – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- April 19, 2015: The Islamic State: “Until There Came To Them Clear Evidence”
- April 7, 2015: The Islamic State: “Message to Our Brothers in Tunisia – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- April 5, 2015: The Islamic State: “Epic Battles of the Caliphate in Binghāzī: Martyrdom Operation Targeting a Group of Apostates in Binghāzī – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- March 27, 2015: The Islamic State: “Martyrdom Operation Upon a Group of Soldiers of the Tyrant in al-Laythī – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- March 19, 2015: The Islamic State: “Messages to the Soldiers of the Caliphate in Libya – Wilāyat al-Raqqah”
- March 16, 2015: The Islamic State: “Removing Tombs of Polytheism in Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- March 5, 2015: The Islamic State: “Epic Battles of the Caliphate in Binghāzī: Message to the Soldiers of the Tyrant #2 – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- March 2, 2015: The Islamic State: “Epic Battles of the Caliphate in Binghāzī: Martyrdom Operation Upon a Gathering of the Soldiers of the Tyrant – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- February 28, 2015: The Islamic State: “Epic Battles of the Caliphate in Binghāzī: Message to the Soldiers of the Tyrant – Wilāyat al-Barqah”
- February 27, 2015: The Islamic State: “Message to the Brothers of Tawḥīd – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- February 24, 2015: The Islamic State: “Convoys of Martyrs #1 – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- February 15, 2015: The Islamic State: “A Message Signed With Blood To the Nation of the Cross”
- January 27, 2015: The Islamic State: “Raid of Revenge for Shaykh Abū Anas al-Lībī: Attack On the Corinthia Hotel – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- January 20, 2015: The Islamic State: “Message To Our Brothers The Monotheists – Wilāyat Ṭarābulus”
- August 20, 2014: Majlis Shūrā Shabāb al-Islām: “What We Believe About Elections”
- June 22, 2014: Majlis Shūrā Shabāb al-Islām: “To the Lions Of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām”
- May 27, 2014: Ajnād al-Khilāfah: “About the Bombing That Targeted the Military Command Building in the Eastern District in the City of Ṭubruq”