On 23 July, a skirmish took place in al-Shuwayrif between the 444 Brigade and the 128th Battalion of the Libyan National Army (LNA). The LNA’s Southern Operations Room ordered the 444 Brigade to withdraw from al-Shuwayrif immediately otherwise these forces would be attacked.
On 25 July, the LNA deployed additional forces to al-Shuwayrif.
On 27 July, the Western Mountain Military Region, commanded by the Zintani Osama Juwaili, deployed troops to establish checkpoints on the Mizdah – al-Shuwayrif road to replace the 444 Brigade (or – depending on the point of view – to prevent them from returning).
On 28 and 29 July, Juwaili deployed additional troops into this region, reaching in total a strength of about 200 – 250.