On 12 August, the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan submitted to the Turkish parliament a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Turkey and the Government of National Unity (GNU) regarding the status of Turkish forces currently stationed in Libya. The memorandum was signed on 1 March in Antalya and builds upon previous understandings, including the Military Training Cooperation Memorandum signed in 2012 and the Security and Military Cooperation Memorandum signed in 2019. The full agreement was leaked to the public.
Turkey will support the restructuring and training of Libya’s armed forces and security forces, aiming to enhance the country’s defense capabilities. In return, the agreement grants Turkish forces broad legal protections and logistical support while operating on Libyan soil. This includes broad legal immunity to Turkish forces operating in Libya and significant operational freedoms in Libya such as allowing Turkish personnel to carry personal and duty weapons and wear their official uniforms while on duty. Article 7 provides Turkish forces with unrestricted access to Libya’s airspace and territorial waters, exempting them from seizure or any local charges.
In addition, the GNU has committed to providing extensive logistical support to Turkish forces, including covering the costs of essential services such as electricity, water, sewage and internet in the facilities used by Turkish forces, as well as fuel and other logistical requirements for Turkish vehicles, whether on land, sea or air.
The MoU also offers significant financial exemptions to Turkish forces, notably exempting all imports and exports related to the Turkish military’s activities from any Libyan taxes, fees or duties. The MoU is set to remain in effect for three years, with the possibility of automatic one-year renewals unless one party notifies the other of its intent to terminate the agreement.