On 27 April, Trabelsi held a General Assembly of Police Members of the Ministry of Interior at the disused Tripoli International Airport. Notable attendees included PM Abdul Hameed Dabaiba and Presidential Council Deputy Abdullah al-Lafi, as well as MoI deputy ministers, several security and military leaders, heads of regional security directorates, and several city and regional notables and sheikhs. According to official information, 40,000 police officers from the north of Tripolitania took part in the meeting. While it is not clear if the numbers were this high, it was certainly a notable gathering of thousands of MoI forces. Trabelsi said it was the first such congregation of MoI employees in its history.
In his speech, Trabelsi announced that the Ras Ajdir border crossing would open ‘in the near future’. He also announced – once again – that all militias would have to withdraw from Tripoli ‘in the near future’, stressing only the police would be allowed to remain in the capital as a security force. He said this force will also take over the security of all official buildings, including the Central Bank of Libya (CBL).