There was further fierce fighting in the city this week as the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council continued its push to expand its area of control. There was intense fighting in a number of neighbourhoods including Al-Laithi where the violence raged for several days and the LNA suffered serious losses. Buatni has also been the scene of particularly fierce fighting where fighters from the Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council tried to advance on the Special Forces camp in the area.
Particularly concerning for Haftar, however, is that Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council is also fighting right in the middle of the city and appears to be making advances. The group claimed to have taken control of the Jumhuriya Bank in the city centre this week.
These gains appear to be the result of the militants’ continuing to receive weapons supplies through the Al-M’rissa port. The LNA announced on 12 July that it had struck another ship that was carrying arms and ammunition as it was on its way to the Al-M’rissa port. As such the battle for Benghazi looks set to continue for the foreseeable future.
There was also more fighting in Derna this week where Haftar’s forces are still struggling to make any headway at all. The Derna Mujahideen Shura Council is an entrenched as ever, and is feeling even more sure itself having all but driven IS out of the town.