On 24 November, UN Special Envoy to Libya, Jan Kubis, addressed the UN Security Council where he confirmed his resignation from his position with the UN Secretary-General accepting the resignation effective as of 10 December 2021. In his statement Kubis commented ‘in my view, [it is] necessary to urgently relocate the Head of UNSMIL to Tripoli, ideally based on a UN Security Council resolution authorizing the return of UNSMIL to its previous configuration. Just to note, from the very moment of my appointment, I expressed support for splitting the positions of the Special Envoy (SE) and the Head of Mission (HoM), and for locating the HoM in Tripoli. In order to create conditions for this, on 17 November 2021 I tendered my resignation.’ Rumours persist suggesting UK diplomat Sir Nicholas Kay is likely to take over Kubis’ position.