Khaled Haftar visits airbase near Tubruq

Jan 24, 2025 | Libyan actors

On 24 January, Khaled Khalifa Haftar, Chief of Staff of the Libyan National Army’s (LNA) Security Units, visited the Gamal Abdel Nasser Airbase south of Tubruq. He emphasized the importance of developing the operational capabili-ties of the base, strengthening the readiness and efficiency of the Air Force to ensure that the tasks assigned to it are performed with high efficiency.

On 26 January, the LNA’s Subul al-Salam Brigade reported that it had taken over security of the Maatan al-Sarah air base southwest of al-Jawf/Kufra City and the surrounding region, including the nearby bor-der with Chad, with battalion-sized forces. The base will be used as a patrol base for the brigade to control the border and for the fight against smuggling gangs. In total, one company with seven armoured vehicles, two companies with 10 soft-skinned vehicles each, and several command & control and supporting elements were deployed to Maatan al-Sarah by the Subul al-Salam Brigade.