On 15 May, the second round of the House of Representatives (HoR) and High State Council (HSC) Joint Committee on the Constitutional roadmap in Cairo began and talks are scheduled to continue until 20 May. The Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General (SASG) on Libya, Stephanie Williams, stated that the talks were focused on overcoming the central issues of a timeline for elections, the political system, and eligibility criteria for electoral candidates. Williams informed the attendees that they would have until 28 May to come to an agreement, noting in her comments that ‘this session constitutes your last chance to provide a credible response to the expectations of the Libyan people and make concrete progress on these issues.’ According to the House of Representatives (HoR) Spokesman Abdullah Belheq, 12 HoR members and 11 HSC members attended the meeting. On 16 May, Williams tweeted that ‘encouraging progress’ had been made which included ‘finding consensus on significant parts of the draft constitution including sections relating to the legislature and judiciary’.