On 10 July, Khalifa Haftar ordered all Libyan National Army (LNA)-affiliated Petroleum Facilities Guards (PFG) to allow oil ports under their control to resume exports under the authority of the Tripoli-based National Oil Corporation (NOC) and its subsidiaries. On 11 July, the NOC lifted force majeure on all of the Oil Crescent ports and Tobruq’s Hariga port.
On 10 July, Government of National Accord Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj requested the UN Security Council to establish an international committee to audit of both the Tripoli and Bayda-based CBLs and their expenditures to date. In his address on 16 July, UN Envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame urged the UNSC to look at this request, warning that if frustrations over ‘the distribution of wealth and the endemic plundering of resources’ were not addressed then crude production is unlikely to stabilise.