On 26 June, a convoy of the 55th (Wershefana) Brigade (led by Muammer al-Dhawi) was shot at with small arms fire by local militias while passing through Zuwara to Ras Ajdir. The convoy aborted the journey and left Zuwara in an easterly direction. The 444 Brigade and the 166th Brigade then massed troops in the Mellitah Oil & Gas Complex area, but did not advance to Zuwara. The situation in Zuwara calmed down again after these events.
On 27 June, the Head of the Supreme Council of the Amazigh al-Hadi Barqiq blamed Prime Minister Abdul Hameed Dabaiba’s government and the Presidential Council, as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, for the recent violence in Zuwara. He said the Amazigh will turn to the international community and the UNSC for protection as they are facing an ethnic and tribal war waged by the caretaker government and its caretaker Ministry of Interior.
On 28 June, Libyan Army Deputy CoS Salaheddin al-Namroush inspected the Libyan Army troops in the Abu Kammash area and declared the Abu Kammash – Ras Ajdir area a restricted military area. He said that the entry of military forces is prohibited without the authorization of the Libyan Army and warned that unauthorized vehicles would be attacked with combat drones. Ministry of Defence forces and MoI-linked Zawiyya militias moved to the border in preparation for the opening.