27 June – 3 July: Sirte security forces mobile in response to ISIS movements

Jul 3, 2018 | ISIS

On 28 June, airstrikes targeting Benghazi Defence Brigade (BDB) and ISIS locations were reported near Bani Walid. At the time of writing it is unclear if it was either of the two groups or an amalgamation of forces fleeing the Oil Crescent after participating in Ibrahim Jadhran’s assault on the oil facilities. However, this is not the first time that ISIS and BDB units have been either observed together or confused for one or the other. A fortnight earlier on 14 June, unconfirmed reports suggest ISIS and BDB fighters were spotted near the village of Harawa, 50 km east of Sirte, with Libyan National Army al-Saiqa Special forces having been mobilized to the location in response to the report.

On 30 June, Sirte security forces declared a state of alert following reports of ISIS movement in the southern part of the city. The security forces have established checkpoints and are undertaking both mobile and stationed patrols in the city as a response.