On 21 November, members of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee introduced a piece of legislation called ‘the Libya Stabilization Act’ which attempts to clarify and enhance US policy in support of a diplomatic resolution to the Libyan crisis. In a press release, Senator Murphy stated, “The Libya Stabilization Act will telegraph to the world that the United States is committed to achieving peace in the country, and that we’re ready to hold Khalifa Haftar or any bad actors who seek to fuel violence accountable”.
On 21 November, it was reported that former Libyan ambassador to the UAE, Aref al-Nayed, had met with US National Security Council (NSC) officials in Washington twice ‘this fall’, as well as having ‘several’ meetings with US State Department officials in the preceding months. Nayed proposed himself as a ‘consensus’ candidate for possible presidential elections or as a potential transitional political leader of Libya if the Libyan National Army (LNA) manages to ‘liberate’ the capital.
On 21 November, a US Africa Command (AFRICOM) unarmed remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) was lost over Tripoli. In a press release, AFRICOM claimed ‘the incident is currently under investigation’ and explained its RPA mission over Tripoli was to assess the ongoing security situation and monitor violent extremist activity. The LNA said it shut down the RPA accidentally.
On 20 November, an Italian Air Force MQ-9A Predator B crashed near the city of Tarhouna after it losing contact with its base while on surveillance mission for Italy’s ‘Mare Sicuro’ (the ‘Safe Seas’ operation which patrols the waters off Libya).