15-21 Nov: Serraj Asks US Deputy Secretary To Help To “Sufficiently” Arm Libya’s Anti-Terror Groups

Nov 21, 2017 | International actors

On 18 November, the head of the GNA, Fayez al-Serraj, held a meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan in Libya. Serraj and Sullivan discussed bilateral relations, economic cooperation, the petroleum sector and political development with Sullivan reiterating the US support of the UN Action Plan. During the meeting Serraj thanked the US for their help in fighting terrorism and requested the US continue supporting Libya by helping to “sufficiently” arm its anti-terror organizations.

In his report to the UN Security Council (UNSC) on 15 November, UN Envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame warned that impunity and lawlessness continue to prevail across Libya. He highlighted several recent examples of possible war crimes including airstrikes on civilians in Derna, the apparent execution of prisoners in Benghazi and Wershefana, and the dire conditions experienced by migrants in Libya. Salame said that, ‘If Libyans alone cannot combat impunity for war crimes, it is time for the international community to consider mechanisms that can help them do so; possibly including joint tribunals’.